Tripada Singapore International ESOL 
TSI ESOL, which is a product to gauge the English language skills of non native speakers. We are members to A.L.T.E (Association of Language Testers of Europe). The tests are designed for the speakers looking into main 4 aspect of learning the language.
We have conducted almost 60,000 tests by year 2013.
We follow C.E.F.R (Common European Frame Work of References for Languages) The CEFR describes what a learner is supposed to be able to do in reading, listening, speaking and writing at each level.
The Common European Framework divides learners into three broad divisions that can be divided into six levels:
A Basic User
A1 Breakthrough or beginner
A2 Way stage or elementary
B Independent User
B1 Threshold or intermediate
B2 Vantage or upper intermediate
C Proficient User
C1 Effective Operational Proficiency or advanced
C2 Mastery or proficiency